About the VWC
The Vermont Wildlife Coalition (VWC) began in 2016 as a Vermont-grown grassroots effort. In 2020, to further VWC’s educational and legislative goals, we incorporated and applied for (c)(4) status as a not-for-profit organization. The VWC receives no funding from state or federal sources, but welcomes donations from the public to support its work. The VWC is the only 501(c)(4) wildlife advocacy organization in Vermont. While donations to the VWC are not tax deductible, the 501(c)(4) status allows us to participate in unlimited lobbying on behalf of wildlife. That is important because there are powerful pro-trapping and pro-hounding lobbyists active throughout the year. With your support, we have been able to fund a part-time lobbyist to help us advocate for wildlife, and we have dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to give wildlife a voice in Vermont.
Our Mission
To create an ecologically-sound future for Vermont’s wild species through public education and political action.
Our Vision
Vermont leads the nation in wildlife stewardship through a citizenry empowered with ecologically-sound information. VWC engages communities, legislators, and individuals to adapt to an increasingly interdependent human-wildlife relationship.
The VWC values:
The lives of individual animals as well as the health of their species.
Wildlife for its critical ecological role, in addition to its utilitarian and aesthetic roles.
Wildlife management decisions that take into account the social habits and needs of a species.
Wildlife management decisions that reflect the attitudes, values and participation of all Vermonters.
Dialogue that includes all interested stakeholders, even those who disagree with us, in an effort to find common ground.
Evidence-based positions that are reflective of societal values.
Actively supporting and partnering with people and organizations that share our mission.
A vibrant green economy that recognizes the importance of sustainable working landscapes and exemplary stewardship of our diverse natural assets as economic drivers.
VWC supports:
Education of and participation by the public in matters of wildlife conservation
Transparency in government
A VT Department of Fish and Wildlife culture grounded in 21st Century wildlife governance principles and values
Diversified funding for wildlife management
Diverse representation on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board
A Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board that is advisory rather than policy-making. We believe Department of Fish and Wildlife professionals should make all decisions in the management of game and non-game species.
Non-lethal approaches to addressing conflicted interactions between human and wildlife
A regulated coyote season similar to those for other fur-bearing species
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